Lena Group


Organising Secretariat

Lena Group - Publi creation

Lena Events and Communication

(Coming Soon)

(coming soon)

The participant’s name badges will be provided by the Organising Secretariat at the Secretariat Desk.

All participants are requested to wear the badge throughout the congress. Only badge holders will be admitted to the appropriate sessions, exhibitions, and social events.

The certificate of attendance will be downloadable from the website https://ifmad.org/2025 using your personal credentials sent by e-mail, starting from the 13th of June 2025.

Important note: These will only be issued to registered participants who have attended a minimum of 6 hours of plenary sessions.

For Group Participants: Please note that in order to send the certificate of attendance to each participant, we will need personal e-mail.

(coming soon)

All costs linked to the congress are in Euro (EUR)

The official language of the Congress is English. No simultaneous translation is provided.

(coming soon)

The Secretariat will be pleased to send letters of invitation to anyone who requests them. Please note that the letter is not a commitment on the part of the Conference to provide any financial support.

We encourage delegates to use social media to join the conversation around the Forum, to share and debate topics and be inclusive of those not in attendance with the delegates should respect confidentiality of material, specifically where this is made explicit by the speaker.

Social media should be used in a responsible manner, be nice and respectful of speakers and other participants.

(coming soon)

Radisson Blu Béké Hotel

Budapest, Teréz krt. 43, 1067 Hungary

The Congress Organisers cannot accept liability for personal injuries sustained, or for loss or damage to property belonging to Congress participants, either during or because of the Congress. Registration does not include insurance. It is strongly recommended that you take an insurance policy of your choice as you register for the Congress and book your travel.

Coming soon