If your association would be interested in collaborating for a cross promotion, please contact us at info@ifmad.org
The cooperation would include the diffusion of information on a free mutual exchange basis. We would propose you to publish your logo with a direct link to your website on the Workshop’s website, and eventually a banner of your next event(s) or any other activity you would like to promote. In exchange, would ask you to do the same on your side. Therefore, inform your members about the Forum and the different initiatives and encourage your early career members to take part in our exciting initiatives dedicated to them, through your usual communication channels (website, newsletters, social media) and other means you may consider useful.
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Croatian Psychological Association, HPDhttps://www.psihologija.hr/ Croatia | |
Cyprus Psychologists' Associationhttps://cypsa.org.cy/ Cyprus | |
EUROPEAN BRAIN COUNCILhttps://www.braincouncil.eu/ Belgium | |
EUROPEAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATIONhttps://epa-congress.org/ France | |
European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatryhttps://escap2025.eu/ - | |
European Society for the Study of Personality Disordershttps://www.esspd.eu/ Netherlands | |
International Positive Psychology Association (IPPA)https://ippaworldcongress.org/ Australia | |
Japan Neuroscience Societyhttps://neuroscience2025.jnss.org/en/index.html Japan | |
Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Angst & Depressionhttps://www.sgad.ch/ - | |
The International Society for Researchers and Doctorshttps://theisrd.org/ - | |
World Federation of ADHDhttps://www.adhd-federation.org/ Germany |
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