Vienna offers IFMAD 2014 participants an unforgettable and magic experience!
Vienna, the capital of Austria, is famous for its cultural events, unforgettable music shows, imperial sights, old coffee houses breezing with history, art galleries, cozy wine taverns, spacious parks, baroque gardens, fashionable little shops, and a very, very special Viennese charm.
Vienna’s history dates back to the first post-Christian century when the Romans established the military camp Vindobona. Today’s cityscape is characterized by the abundance of baroque buildings created mostly under the rule of Empress Maria Theresia and Emperor Franz Joseph who was largely responsible for the monumental architecture round the Ringstrase.
Vienna is also called a city of fountains, romance and music. Serious music admirers have longconsidered Vienna to be a paradise: one encounters music everywhere, from the sounds of a child practicing a Mozart piano sonata through an open window, to street musicians playing classical as well as folk music. There is no other city in the world that has been home to so many composers of international renown: some, such as Schubert, Strauss, Schoenberg and Berg were born there, others, such as Mozart, Beethoven, Haydn, Brahms and Mahler chose to live there.
Vienna offers all types of art as well. One can find excellent museums, fine art collections and world-renowned works of art in the city. Vienna hosts 50 theaters, including three opera houses and two theaters staging musicals, 100 museums.
With its elegance, beauty, charm, with its very special spirit, and of course, with its rich history in the area of psychiatry, Vienna — is an ideal place for an international congress of this meaning and importance. It is a wonderful place for few days visit to meet professional and scientific objectives, while enjoying memorable moments of the city’s magic and charms in a free time. It also brings with it a strong symbolical message – a must visit place for everyone connected to the professional world of psychiatry!
Vienna, a hub of medical and scientific knowledge developed over the centuries, is our choice for this year large-scale international medical congress, IFMAD 2014, which will bring professionals and decision-makers in the area of psychiatry from all over the globe.
We look forward to sharing with you a special atmosphere of Vienna, it history and art, modern innovations and science, and of course – the delightful Viennese cuisine! And we much look forward to welcoming you to what has become one of the most influential and important annual events in the area of psychiatry!